2010年11月13日 星期六

test 8 fewer less

1. The exhibition was not very crowded. There were ______ people than I expected.

2. Meeting Bill Clinton was much ______ frightening than I had imagined.
3 I've not met him but I've heard ______ stories about him and he sounds interesting.

4. He's ______ crazy than you first think. Some of his ideas make sense.
5. That must be ______ frightening horror film I've ever seen.
6. It's time somebody told him ______ home truths
7. I strongly disapprove. I don't like what I've heard in ______ .

8. He's not liked. In fact he's ______ liked person in the office.
9 I'd like to go to Japan but I get so ______ opportunities to travel in my present job.
10I'd like you to spend ______ time on your own work and more on controlling your staff.

11 David Letterman is very famous in America but ______ people in England have heard of him.

12. We mustn't postpone this meeting. We get to meet on too ______ occasions as it is.

13 Frankly, John's problems are ______ of my worries.

14 If you spent ______ time worrying, you'd get more done

15 I don't like any of the solutions. I suppose John's is ______ bad of them but I still don't like it.
16 It's not important. It doesn't matter in ______
17 The winner will be the person who makes ______ mistakes.
18 I've had ______ problems with this. I really need some help.
19 I've had ______ problems with this. I don't need any help.
20 "Never was so much owed by so many to so ______ ." - Winston Churchill.

1. fewr 2.less 3 a few 4 less 5. the least 6 a few 7 the least 8 the least
9 few 10 less 11 few 12 few 13 the least 14 less 15 the least 16 the least
17 the fewest 18 a few 19 few 20 few

- There were ______ at the college last year.

Q2 - I enjoyed his new film ____ than his last one.

Q3 - I need to spend ____ money on stupid things.

Q4 - I've been there ____ times than I should.

Q5 - I spent ____ time on the first question than the second.

Q6 - It was ____ difficult than I'd thought it would be.

Q7 - I made ____ mistakes this time.

Q8 - The project is ____ complicated than the last one.

Q9 - There were _____ complications this time.

Q10 - I'd buy it if it were ____ expensive.

1. The cook suddenly wished she had added ( fewer less) soy sauce.
2. I wish we were given ( fewer less) pages for homework.
3. I wish we were given ( fewer less) homework.
4. David found that ( fewer less) spoonfuls helped the mixture.
5. Did you know that I've read ( fewer less) than half of my books?
6. Give me ( fewer less) slices of pizza.
7. Jennifer later discovered that her brother had bought ( fewer less) textbooks than she.
8. Tomorrow, class, please bring in ( fewer less) leaves than you brought today.
9. I found that I had spilled ( fewer less) soda than I had thought.
10. Perhaps ( fewer less) than six computers will be set up.

