2010年11月13日 星期六

康軒 5



The movie interests me.  
=I'm interested in the movie.   
= The movie is interesting to me.

Tom feels bored with the comic book.
= The comic book is boring to Tom.

Dan is excited about the movie.
= The movie is exciting to Dan.

interested in ... = be interesting to

be interested in ...:對‧‧‧感興趣 (本片語的 interested 常忘記加 ed)
be excited about ...:對‧‧‧
感到興奮be surprised at ...:對‧‧‧感到驚訝
be bored with ...:對‧‧‧感到厭煩
be tired of ...:對‧‧‧感到厭倦
be scared of ---

be embarrassed at ...:對‧‧‧感到尷尬
be confused about ...:對‧‧‧弄不清楚
be frighted at ...:對‧‧‧感到害怕

1. be confused with A 是被A搞糊塗了
be confused about B 是困惑有關B的事
2. be disappointed in be disappointed with +事情 指對事情很失望
be disappointed about + 事情 be disappointed at +人 指對人很失望 (通常是用這個

3. be embarrassed about 事 對某事感到尷尬
be embarrassed by 人或事物 因為某事物或某人而感到尷尬

特殊動詞 stop, remember, forget, spend, cost 等的用法:( 第四冊)

標題句:I forgot to take my camera with me.
    I forgot eating the apples. In fact, I ate them.

結 構:特殊動詞用法 stop, remember, forget, spend, cost

在「不定詞」單元中,我們學到在同一個子句中,若出現了兩個以上的動詞,則除了第一個動詞外,其他動詞前都要加 to,如:

1. I want to go to Taipei.(我想要去台北。)
 ── go 是句中第二個動詞,所以其前加 to。

2. I want to go to Taipei to buy a book.(我想要去台北買一本書。)
 ── go 是句中第二個動詞,所以其前加 to;而 buy 是第三個動詞,所以前面也要加 to。


在「動名詞」單元裡,我們學到了,有些動詞(如 enjoy, finish, practice, keep 等)或介詞後的動詞,須改為 V-ing,如:

3. Good learners enjoy learning English.(好的學習者,喜歡學習英語。)
4. They practice playing tennis every day.(他們每天練習打網球。)

5. Jimmy is afraid of swimming.(Jimmy害怕游泳。)

(2)當做部分動詞的受詞:在「不定詞」單元中,有提到「以子句為單位,若同一子句中有第二個動詞出現時,則該第二個動詞要改為『不定詞』」。但在英語中,有些動詞則有不同的用法,這些動詞後若有接第二個動詞時,則須改用「動名詞」( V-ing)形式,這種動詞迄今有 enjoy/finish/keep/practice 等。

4. Good learners enjoy learning English.(好的學習者,喜歡學習英語。)
5. He didn't finish drawing yesterday.(他昨天並沒有完成畫圖。)
6. You have to keep reading English stories.(你必須持續地閱讀英文故事。)
7. They practice playing tennis every day.(他們每天練習打網球。)

▲註:enjoy 在中文裡並沒有意思相對映的字詞,它比 love 或 like 都要來得「更喜歡」,故大概相當於中文的「非常喜歡」、「享受」、「因 ... 得到很大的快樂」。

有些動詞後則可接「不定詞」和「動名詞」,這類的動詞有 begin/start/try/like/love/hate (hate: 恨)等,聽起來好像有點複雜,但若仔細看它們的中文意思,再稍微改變一下(love 和 like 意思接近,看成是『相同意思』),我們就可以這樣子串連起來,而變得好記的多──「開始 嘗試 愛 恨」,這不就是國中生的心路成長歷程嗎?

例: 8. He started learning to surf the Internet last week.(他上個禮拜開始學習上網。)
 He started to learn to surf the Internet last week.
9. I love drinking some tea after dinner.(我喜歡在飯後喝點茶。)
 I love to drink some tea after dinner.
10. The boy tried to make a chair.(那個男孩試著做一張椅子。)
 The boy tried making a chair.
spend 和 cost 是兩個比較容易弄錯的動詞,到第五冊後,再加其他兩個意思很像的動詞 take, pay。這四個動詞的對應中文,常都是「花」,有的是「花錢」,有的是「花時間」。在本單元中,只談 spend 和 cost,我們先從底下四個例句說起:

12. I spent $500 washing my car.(我花了伍佰元洗車。)

13. I spent two hours washing my car.(我花了兩小時洗車。)

14. He spent $3,000 on the bicycle.(他花了三仟元買那部腳踏車。或 他花了三仟元在那部腳踏車上。)

15. The bicycle cost him $3,000.(那部腳踏車花了他三仟元。)

從上述四句,我們可以對 spend 和 cost 大致歸納底下的結論:

一、 cost 的本意為「價值」,故僅限用於「主詞」為「物」時,當然也僅限用於「金錢」上。( 過去式為 cost,過去分詞也是 cost )
物品 + cost(s) + 人 + $.   (物)花了(人)($)

二、 spend 用於花費「時間、金錢」,主詞只能是「人」,其後若有第二個動詞,則只能用「V-ing」形式。( 過去式為 spent,過去分詞也是 spent )
人 + spend + 時間/ $ + V-ing.   (人)花(時間/ $ )做(事)或買(物)
人 + spend + $ + on + 物品.   (人)花 $ 買(物)

Lesson 5

1. 限定句是提供有關主詞或受詞的重要訊息. 非限定句是提供補充性訊息.

1-1. The movies which are exciting are popular with young people.
刺激的電影將會受到年輕人的歡迎. ( 指任何一部刺激的電影)
1-2 The movie, which is exciting, will be popular with young people.
這部刺激的電影將會受到年輕人的喜歡. ( 這在上映的刺激的電影)

2. 關代當主詞不可省略, 當受詞可省略.
Greg is the man ( who ) I met.

3. 在關係代名 詞中 whose 代替 my, your, their, his , her, its
This is the house whose windows were broken.

4. fewer, less , more 的用法.

A bus has fewer seats than an airplane

Mark has less water than Amy.

Sara has fewer books than Eric.

文法上的基本原則是:[few]/[fewer]: 修飾可數名詞[little]/[less]: 修飾不可數名詞但是近來用[less]來修飾可數名詞的用法日益常見.When not followed by than, fewer is more frequent only in formal written English, and in this construction also the use of less is increasing: This year we have had less crimes, less accidents, and less fires than in any of the last five years.

至於"少"這個意思, 可以直接修飾比較的內容, 也可以放在[than]前面.
Women today are having an average of _____ than did women 20 years ago.平均來說, 今日婦女所擁有的子女數, 要比二十年前(的婦女所擁有的子女數)少一個.[one less child] or one fewer child.

Second, I have a memory trick. I think of Aardvark sitting by a lake. He's fishing. The water is low in the lake this year, so there is less water in the lake. Less and lake both begin with the letter l. There is less water in the lake. Squiggly is worried about dinner. Aardvark usually catches four fish, but what if there are only three? “We'll have fewer fish for dinner,” Squiggly thinks to himself fretfully. Fewer and fish both start with the letter f, and Squiggly is counting fish in his head. We'll have fewer fish for dinner.

There are exceptions to these rules; for example, it is customary to use the word less to describe time, money, and distance (2, 3). For example, you could say, “That wedding reception lasted less than two hours. I hope they paid the band less than $400.” So keep in mind that time, money, and distance are different, but if you stick with the quick and dirty tip that less is for mass nouns and fewer is for count nouns, you'll be right most of the time.


When referring to time or money, less is normally used even with numbers. Specific units of time or money use fewer only in cases where individual items are referred to.

Examples: I have less than an hour to do this work.
I have less time to do this work.

I have less money than I need.

I have less than twenty dollars.

He worked fewer hours than I did.

Lesson 6 關代

1. 關代當後面子句的受詞時可省略
2. 當前面有介系詞時不能用 that
3. 何時只能用 that
3-1 先行詞有序數: He is the last man that came here yesterday.
3-2 先行詞有最高級 This is the most interesting book that I 've ever read.
3-3 當主詞同時有人和物 The mowan love the boy and his doy that are playing over there.
3-4 先行詞前有 all, no, every, any, the only, the same , the very 等字
I know every student that ran on the playground yesterday.
She is the very girl that John liked.
The only thing that matters to me is her happiness.

3-5 Who 或 Whick 開頭的問句.

Lesson 7


間接問句通常有二種形態,一為具有疑問詞的間接問句,也就是由wh-words (包括who, whom, whose, what, where, why, when, which, how以及以上加了-ever的複合疑問詞,如whoever, whatever, wherever, whenever, whichever...)引導的名詞子句,例:
I don't know who the boy is.
Please tell me where Helen is.

He asked me if (whether) I wanted to date him.

而這種句型常會與or 或 or not連用,用於表示選擇或懷疑時,這種狀況通常是用在具有詢問或懷疑的動詞之後,如:decide, wonder, consider...等
I can't decide whether/if I should date him or not.

雖然間接問句的句型不必像直接問句的主詞與(助)動詞倒裝,且要將直接問句中的助動詞如do, does, did等去掉,但須注意其動詞時態的變化:
直接:Where did he go? (主詞與助動詞位置倒裝)
間接:Amy asked me where he went. (助動詞did省略,且因did為過去式,所以動詞go改為went)
直接:Why didn't he go?
間接:I don't know why he didn't go.

