2010年11月7日 星期日



關係副詞where, why, when, how與複合關係代名詞 what

※ 關係副詞where, when, why, how,亦用於引導關係子句,但因其代替子句中的副詞,而稱之為關係副詞。

其實,關係副詞 = 介係詞 + 關係代名詞,


(1) where 代替場所副詞

例:The house [in which he lives] is very old. 他住的房子很舊。

= The house [ where he lives ] is very old.

  (2) when 代替時間副詞:

例:I can never forget the day [ on which I met Terry.] 我永遠忘不了遇見泰瑞的那天。

= I can never forget the day [ when I met Terry.]
(3) why 代替原因副詞

例:We still don't know the reason [ for which he was late ]. 我們仍不知道他遲到的原因。
= We still don't know the reason [why he was late ].

(4) how代替方式副詞

例:Tell me the way [in which you did it]. 告訴我你做此事的方式。

= Tell me (the way) [how you did it].

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※ Here comes a question:

如何辨別到底什麼時候該用關係代名詞which,什麼時候又該用where, when, why, how這些關係副詞呢?



Ø 關係代名詞(which)+不完整子句(子句內缺主詞、受詞)

Ø 關係副詞(where, when, why, how)+完整子句

例:This is the city which I visited △ last year. à 形容詞子句△處缺受詞,所以用which

This is the city where I was born. à 形容詞子句本身已是個完整子句,所以用where


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※ 前面所提到的關係代名詞who, whom, whose, which, that和關係副詞均需要緊跟著「先行詞」出現,但

複合關係代名詞 what,相當於"the thing(s) + which",或"all that",本身已含有先行詞,因此,


例:Please tell me what you did last night. 請告訴我你昨晚做的事。

I don't understand what he said. 我不瞭解他說的話。

※其他複合關係代名詞:whoever, whomever, whatever,與what 用法類似,均為不需有先行詞在前的關係代名詞,只是加了"ever",帶有「無論、任何」的意思。看幾個例句就會懂囉!

· The coach will select whomever he pleases. (…anyone whom…) 教練會選任何他喜歡的人。

· I'll give it to whomever I like. (…anyone whom…) 我會把它給任何我喜歡的人。

· He seemed to say whatever came to mind. (anything that…) 他似乎會說任何他所想到的事。

· Do whatever you decided to do. (…anything that…) 做任何你決定要做的事。

· Whoever crosses this line first will win the race. (anyone who…) 任何先越過這條線的人將會贏得比賽。

· I'll give it to whoever comes first. (…anyone who…) 我會把它給任何最先到的人。

