2010年11月13日 星期六

合聲 1

http://www.csjh.kh.edu.tw/teach/exam/ ( 中山國中 )

http://www.ly.ks.edu.tw/exam/1.htm ( 林園國中) ( 明義國中)

https://sites.google.com/a/dlm.ks.edu.tw/ke-cheng-ji/ ( 大寮國中)


各校各科考題 ( 國中 & 高中 )


國中英文六冊文 法重點
http://ceag.tyc.edu.tw/modules.php?name=Idea&c=0 ( 有動詞片語資料)



1 肯定句否定句

1-1 主詞 + 動詞變化

( Be 動詞 ) I am, you are, He is, They are, We are..
I go to school. He goes to school.
I play the piano. He plays the piano.

1-2 主詞+ 助動詞 + 動詞原型

I can play the piano.
I will play the piano.

2. YES/ NO 問句

2-1 Is he ....?
Are you .... ?
Am I.... ?

2-2 Do you .... ?
Does he....?
Do they...?

Isnt' he ....?
Aren't you....?


Don't you.....?
Doesn't he ....?

ex: Do you want to drink ?

3. WH- 問句 ( who 誰 ? Where ? 何處 What 什麼? Why 為什麼 ?)

ex: What do you want to drink?
例外: Who wants to draw it ? ( 疑問詞 Who 當主詞, 不必加助動詞.)

4. 有

4-1 我有 你有
I have... , you have..., He has....

4-2 某處有
There is a ( an )....+ 地方
There are 複數名詞....+ 地方

There is a bird in the tree.
There are some birds in the tree.

5 進行式 - Be 動詞 + v-ing ( 動詞的現在分詞)

I am swimming.
They are writing.

6 日期 & 時間
On Sunday
at eight o'clock


1. lives, works, plays

2.stresses, watches, brushes, coaxes

3. studies, fries, flies

4. goes, does, has

高雄市立明義國中 九十八 學年度第一學期 一年級 英語科 第一次月考
版本:合聲版 1年___班___號 姓名:__________
一、聽力測驗:30% (每題2分)
(一) 選出CD所唸的單字:10%
( ) 1. (A) work (B) park (C) game (D) desk
( ) 2. (A) door (B) close (C) look (D) cool
( ) 3. (A) high (B) camera (C) Canada (D) cat
( ) 4. (A) hat (B) under (C) first (D) last
( ) 5. (A) see (B) key (C) year (D) hey

(二) 聽CD,根據所聽到的單字,與圖片相符者勾選T (True),不符合者勾選F (False):10%

T( ) F( ) T( ) F( ) T( ) F( ) T( ) F( ) T( ) F( )

(三) 聽CD的A、B兩個敘述,勾選出符合圖片的句子:10%

T( ) F( ) T( ) F( ) T( ) F( ) T( ) F( ) T( ) F( )

二、大小寫字母轉換(1~3將大寫改成小寫;4~5將小寫改成大寫):10% (每題2分;錯一處扣1分)
4. quicksand →
5. judgment →

三、單字與文意字彙:15% (1~5題,每題1分;6~10題,每題2分)
1.機器人__________ 2.寵物__________ 3.獎品__________ 4.可愛的__________ 5.麵包店__________
__________________6. Chien-ming Wang is a great b l player.
_________ ________ 7. My c p e number is 0938123123.
__________________ 8. Bill likes(喜歡) playing(玩) c r games.
__________________ 9. J. K. Rowling is a famous(有名的) w r. All her books are great.
_________________ 10. A: Thank you. B: You’re w e.

四、文法選擇:20% (每題2分)
( ) 1. This is ________ MP3 player, and that is ________ CD player. ( a ; a  an ; an  a ; an  an ; a)
( ) 2. That is ________ father. He’s a sports star. ( Sally and Peter  Sally’s and Peter’s  Sally and Peter’s  Sally’s and Peter)
( ) 3. A: How old ________ your sister? B: Three. ( am  is  are  be)
( ) 4. A: Are these basketballs? B: Yes, ________. ( they are  they’re  these are  those are)
( ) 5. Jenny’s brother, Bill, ________ 16 years old. ( am  be  is  are)
( ) 6. A: Isn’t Lisa at work? B: ________. ( Yes, she isn’t  Yes, she is  No, she is  No, Lisa isn’t)
( ) 7. A: ________ is the girl? B: She’s my student. ( How  How old  What  Who)
( ) 8. This is ________. She’s a singer. ( Mr. Wells  Miss Lisa  Bill  Lisa Wells)
( ) 9. Jimmy and Tom are brothers. ________ mom is an English teacher. ( Their  They  His  Her)
( ) 10. A:________ the TV game show tonight? B: Good. ( Is  How’s  Where’s  Who’s)

五、依提示作答:10% (每題2分)
1. Where are you from? (請根據事實詳答)
2. park / father / the / Is / your / in / now / ? (重組句子)
3. It is an old table. (改為複數句)
4. Is her brother on the school team? (否定簡答)
5. My last name is Smith. (依畫線部分造原問句)

六、翻譯:15% (每題3分)
1. A:對不起。 B:沒關係。
3. David的朋友也是國中生。
5. Andy是你喜愛的電影明星嗎?

高雄市立明義國中 九十八學年度第一學期 一年級 英語科 第一次月考(答案)
(一) 選出CD所唸的單字:10% (每題2分)
1. work 2. cool 3. camera 4. first 5. key

(二) 聽CD,根據所聽到的單字,與圖片相符者勾選T (True),不符合者勾選F (False):10% (每題2分)
1. bedroom 2. pet 3. bakery 4. Canada 5. robot

(三) 聽CD的A、B兩個敘述,勾選出符合圖片的句子:10% (每題2分)
1. A. They are basketball players. B. They are baseball players.
2. A. My books are on my bed. B. My books are in my bag.
3. A. I’m happy. B. I’m nervous.
4. A. Those cell phones are new. B. Those telephones are new.
5. A. These cameras are from China. B. These cameras are from the USA

二、大小寫字母轉換:10% (每題2分;錯一處扣1分)
1. double 2. rethink 3. cauliflower 4. QUICKSAND 5. JUDGMENT

三、單字與文意字彙:15% (1~5題,每題1分;6~10題,每題2分)
1. robot 2. pet 3. prize 4. cute 5. bakery
6. baseball 7. cell phone 8. computer 9. writer 10. welcome

四、文法選擇:20% (每題2分)
4 3 2 1 3 2 4 4 1 2

五、依提示作答:10% (每題2分)
1. I am from Taiwan(Kaohsiung).
2. Is your father in the park now ?
3. They are old tables.
4. No, he isn’t.
5. What’s your last name?

六、翻譯:15% (每題3分)
1. A: I’m sorry. B: That’s OK.
2. See you tomorrow on my blog.
3. David’s friend is a junior high school student, too.
4. Those boxes aren’t in the bedroom.
5. Is Andy your favorite movie star?

一年 班 號 姓名:
一、 聽力測驗:30%
(1) 聽CD的二個敘述,勾選出符合圖片的句子:(每題2分;共10%)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1.A( ) B( ) 2.A( ) B( ) 3.A( ) B( ) 4.A( ) B( ) 5. A( ) B( )

(2) 選出出現在CD句中的單字:(每題2分;共10%)
1. ( ) (A) dinner (B) an (C) cook (D) minute
2. ( ) (A) you (B) playing (C) watch (D) tennis
3. ( ) (A) sofa (B) chair (C) under (D) bag
4. ( ) (A) any (B) many (C) home (D) house
5. ( ) (A) me (B) her (C) them (D) us
(3) 聽CD的問題,選出最適當的回應:(每題2分;共10%)
1. ( ) (A) Please don’t watch TV. (B) A love story is on now. (C) Read the note, please. (D) It’s boring.
2. ( ) (A)I’m not working today. (B) I’m helping my mother. (C) I’m at Dad’s office. (D) My brother is taking a bath.
3. ( ) (A) This kitchen is big. (B) I’m cooking in the kitchen. (C) No, that’s a dining room. (D) There isn’t a kitchen.
4. ( ) (A) OK. Let’s do our homework! (B) Your homework is on the desk. (C) Let’s cook dinner. (D) I am watching a movie on TV.
5. ( ) (A) No, they aren’t. (B) Yes, there are two. (C) Yes, there are two boxes here. (D) No, my computer is next to my
二、 單字與文意字彙:15%
(1) 單字:中→英(每題1分,共5分)
1. 微波爐_____________ 2.休息___________ 3.分鐘_____________ 4.飯廳_________________ 5.鄰居________________
(2) 文意字彙(每題分2,共10分)
______________1.I am doing my homework. Please don’t b r me.
______________2.Let’s go swimming at the b h.
______________3.Alex is sitting on the s a and watching TV.
______________4.Lisa:Are you k g?John:No, I’m serious.
______________5.We are throwing a frisbee in the y d.
三、 填充題:10%(每題2分;共10 分)
________________ 1.A:What is he talking ? B: Baseball.
_________________ 2.A:Who are you playing baseball ? B:My classmates.
_________________ 3.Judy is calling her brother her school.
_________________ 4. Is there a bakery next the school?
_________________ 5. Brian, are you living __________ Taipei?
四、 文法選擇題:20%(每題2分;共20 分)
( )1. watch TV. Let’s read books. (A)Let not (B)Let no (C)Let’s not (D)Let’s no
( )2. on time, Terry. Our class is at nine o’clock. (A)Please(B)Don’t(C)You (D)Be
( )3. 選出錯誤的句子(A)Joe, please don’t play basketball at home. (B)Please don’t play basketball at home, Joe.
(C)Don’t play basketball at home, Joe, please. (D)Joe, don’t play basketball at home,please.
( )4.They are swimming the beach. (A)in(B)at(C)with(D)on
( )5.A:Hi. Bobby. Is Chris there? B:Speaking. (A)I am(B)Y ou are(C)He is(D)This is
( )6.Andy is in his room. He is talking to his father his cell phone. (A)on(B)from(C)at(D)in
( )7.Bill:Tina, who are you ?Tina:Lisa. (A)work(B)working with(C)work with(D)working
( )8.There two sofas and two tables in the living room. (A)are(B)is(C)has(D)have
( )9.A:Isn’t there a bakery near the school? B: Yes, . (A)there is(B)there isn’t(C)it is (D)it isn’t
( )10.There are on the desk in Mom’s room. (A)any photos(B)these photos(C)many photos(D)her photos

五、 依提示作答:10%(每題2分;共10 分)

1. Sarah is a good girl.(改為祈使句)

2. I am doing my homework.(依劃線部份造原問句)

3. I am calling Tina. (依劃線部份造原問句)

4. Is there a hat on the computer?(否定簡答)

5. Yes, there are two cats in the yard. (依劃線部份造原問句)

六、 翻譯:15%(每題3分;共15 分)






一、 聽力測驗:30%
1. A: Let’s do our homework. B: Let’s play baseball.
2. A: Let’s do our homework. B: Let’s throw a frisbee.
3. A: This is our balcony. B: This is our yard.
4. A: I’m calling from the beach. B: I’m calling from the tennis court.
5. A: There are two chairs in the room. B: There is a desk next to the bed.
1. Lunch is on the desk. Just cook it three minutes. 2. I’m watching a tennis game on TV.
3. This sofa is my dog’s bed. 4. There are not many boys in the park.
5. Please go to the beach with us.
1. How is the movie? 2. What are you doing? 3. Isn’t that your kitchen?
4. It’s homework time. 5. Are there any computers in your classroom?

二、 單字與文意字彙:15%
(1)1.microwave 2.rest 3.minute 4.dining room 5.neighbor
(2)1.bother 2.beach 3.sofa 4.kidding 5.yard

1. about 2. with 3. from 4. to 5. in

1-5 CDCBD 6-10 ABAAC

1. Sarah, be a good girl.
2. What are you doing?
3. Who are you calling?
4. No, there isn’t.(No, there’s not.)
5. Are there two cats in the yard?

1. Let’s not talk on the cell phone.
2. The movie is over. Let’s go home.
3. Dan is flying a kite with Max in the park.
4. Is there a balcony in your house? Yes, there is.
5. Is there a bathroom next to the kitchen?


高雄市立明義國中 98學年度 第1學期 一年級 第三次段考 英語 科試題
一年 班 號 姓名:
( ) 1. (A) and (B) swimming (C) tennis (D) badminton
( ) 2. (A) jackets (B) coats (C) clothes (D) soccer
( ) 3. (A) tonight (B) Tuesday (C) Wednesday (D) Friday
( ) 4. (A) me (B) can’s (C) Saturday (D) evening
( ) 5. (A) hair (B) handsome (C) blue (D) long

( ) 6. (A) Yes, I’m on the school basketball team. (B) No, but I can dance.
(C) Let’s play basketball tonight. (D) You are also a basketball fan.
( ) 7. (A) That’s OK. How about Sunday? (B) Great, we can get a special price.
(C) Let’s get together on Saturday. (D) Soccer is my favorite sport.
( ) 8. (A) It’s at 5:50. (B) It’s on Saturday.
(C) Today is Saturday. (D) My guitar class is on Friday
( ) 9. (A) I have two cats. (B) No, it has a small body.
(C) Wow, it’s cute. (D) Yes, the cat has long legs.
( ) 10. (A) It’s ten o’clock now. (B) On Thursday evening.
(C) It’s on the weekend. (D) It’s at 4:30.

( ) 11. (A) Yes, it’s Chris’ birthday. (B) No, it’s Sandy’s birthday.
(C) No, it’s his sister’s birthday. (D) No, it’s his brother’s birthday.
( ) 12. (A) It’s Wednesday. (B) It’s Thursday.
(C) It’s Friday. (D) It’s Saturday.
( ) 13. (A) He can have dinner with Sandy. (B) He can buy something for Sandy.
(C) He can swim with Sandy. (D) He can go to the movies with his sister.
( ) 14. (A) No, Chris’ English class is on Saturday evening.
(B) No, Chris’ piano class is on Saturday evening.
(C) No, Sandy’s English class is on Saturday evening.
(D) No, Sandy’s piano class is on Saturday evening.
( ) 15. (A) Tomorrow. (B) This Saturday.
(C) This Wednesday. (D) Next Wednesday.
( ) 16. Look at the picture. What is Lisa doing?
(A) She’s drawing a guitar
(B) She’s playing the flute.
(C) She’s playing the violin.
(D) She’s singing and dancing.

( ) 17. Look at the picture. What is Andy doing?
(A) He’s playing the piano.
(B) He’s playing tennis with his mom.
(C) He’s watching a ball game.
(D) He’s playing badminton.

( ) 18. What can we say about this animal (動物)?
(A) It has many eyes.
(B) It can fly.
(C) It has no legs.
(D) It has a long body.
( ) 19. What is John doing?
(A) He’s playing chess.
(B) He’s playing music.
(C) He’s playing the piano.
(D) He’s playing the violin.

( ) 20. What is Mr. Li doing?
(A) He’s painting.
(B) He’s drawing.
(C) He’s roller-skating.
(D) He’s throwing a frisbee.

( ) 21. I can’t buy that blue coat. The ________ is too high.
(A) price (B) color (C) clothes (D) ticket
( ) 22. David isn’t fat at all. He’s very ________.
(A) thin (B) short (C) tall (D) heavy
( ) 23. Are you ________ for your cell phone? It’s on the coffee table.
(A) buying (B) working (C) preparing (D) looking

( ) 24. Can I ________ your camera? There are some problems with my camera.
(A) help (B) use (C) play (D) draw
( ) 25. Let’s do _________ fun tonight. Let’s go to a baseball game.
(A) special (B) soccer (C) sports (D) something
( ) 26. There are many good movies at the movie _________ this week.
(A) theater (B) shop (C) fan (D) star
( ) 27. Betty: _______ can I meet Mr. Hill? Sally: Maybe in the afternoon. He’s busy in the morning
(A) What day (B) Where (C) How (D) What time
( ) 28. This bag is ________. There are a lot of snacks in it.
(A) hungry (B) thirsty (C) funny (D) heavy
( ) 29. Sorry, I can’t give you the book. I’m _______ reading it.
(A) still (B) also (C) soon (D) maybe
( ) 30. Ms. Wilson: Can your _______ come to the show? Amy: My mom can, but my dad is at work.
(A) kids (B) fans (C) parents (D) neighbors
( ) 31. David: _________ Ted: Yes, she can! She’s good at sports.
(A) Can Amy play soccer? (B) Can Betty play chess?
(C) Can Amy play the piano? (D) Can you sing the song with Lisa?
( ) 32. Our office is open _______ 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(A) from (B) on (C) in (D) at
( ) 33. You can watch the game show _______ Friday evening.
(A) for (B) on (C) at (D) in
( ) 34. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson ________ two children.
(A) has (B) have (C) are (D) is
( ) 35. That singer ________ long hair and green eyes.
(A) has (B) have (C) are (D) is
( ) 36. Michael can’t speak Chinese, but his sister ________
(A) can’t (B) can (C) cannot (D) can not
( ) 37. What time is it? 10:50
(A) It’s ten after eleven. (B) It’s ten fifty. (C) It’s ten past eleven. (D) It’s ten to ten.
( ) 38. John:___________ Julie: How about a coat?
(A) How can we get those clothes? (B) What can we give Ted for his birthday?
(C) What can we have for lunch? (D) Where can we buy the tickets?
( ) 39. The TV show is ________ 7:00 p.m.
(A) for (B) on (C) in (D) at
( ) 40. It’s seven _______ nine. 8:53
(A) to (B) after (C) from (D) past
( ) 41. What time is it? 01:30
(A) It’s one forty. (B) It’s one thirteen. (C) It’s half past one. (D) It’s half past two.
( ) 42. What’s the time? 02:15
(A) It’s a quarter to three. (B) It’s fifteen to two. (C) It’s half past two. (D) It’s a quarter after two.
( ) 43. Amy: What color is his hair? Tina: _______________.
(A) He’s tall. (B) It’s long. (C) It’s black. (D) They’re blue.
( ) 44. Jack: ____________ Ted: No, he can’t. He’s busy tonight.
(A) Can Alex use the computer? (B) Can Alex play any sports?
(C) Can Alex cook lunch for us? (D) Can Alex go to the movies with us?

Helen: I have tickets for you and Kevin!
Mike: But I have a ticket for you, too.
Helen: 45. too many tickets!
Mike: Helen, who are you 46. ?
Helen: Peter, Jenny, and Lisa. 47. they can see the movie with us.
Mike: Great! Let’s 48. them the tickets!
( ) 45. (A) These are (B) They are (C) We have (D) There is
( ) 46. (A) looking at (B) calling (C) talking (D) speaking
( ) 47. (A) Still (B) Also (C) But (D) Maybe
( ) 48. (A) prepare (B) buy (C) get (D) give

Hi, Ted,
This is Mike. Where are you? Listen, Andy and I are looking for you. Can you come to my house now? The school talent show is tomorrow afternoon. We’re very nervous. Now Andy and Lisa are singing and I am playing the guitar. John can also come over at about 7 o’clock. Please call me. Bye.
( ) 49. Who is at Mike’s house now?
(A) John and Lisa. (B) Lisa and Mike. (C) John and Andy. (D) Ted and Mike.
( ) 50. What are Andy and Lisa doing?
(A) They’re playing sports. (B) They are preparing for the show.
(C) They’re playing music. (D) They’re looking for Ted.

