2010年11月13日 星期六

康軒 6

L1. Here it is ! Here cines the bus.

So do I. so is his brother.
Neither am I. Neither can I.

He ate little food. Neither did I.

would like/would hate/ would love-->只能接不定詞
例外 :
would mind is followed by -ing(not infinitive)
Would you mind closing the door, please?

L 2

簡答時, 頻率副詞在 BE 動詞和助動詞前面.
Is it usually rainy in summer?
Yes, it usually is. It is usually rainy in summer.

every two weeks 每兩星期一次 ---沒有錯
once two weeks 兩星期一次 ---應該是once every two weeks 才對
every other day 每隔一天

There are usually several typhoons in summer.

you can often find things that you can do in your life right now to cut costs.

*7never(從不), seldom(很少,不常)用於句首時,<句子>要用倒裝形式以加強語氣。
Never have I been there.
Seldom do I watch TV.

a. 現在完成式 -過去持續到現在的動作, 或過去不確定時間發生或未發生的動作.
b. 主要說明兩個過去事件發生時間的先後, 而且事件的發生與結束皆在過去某時刻.

I had lived in Taipei for ten years.
= I lived in Taipei for ten years.


No matter what you do, just do your best.
= Whatever you do, just do your best.
= Just do your best no matter what you do.

副詞子句置於後, 不加 ' 號 ( 副詞也一樣. Though Mr. Wang is rich, he is still unhappy. =
Mr. Wang is still unhappy though he is rich. )

is crazy about 對某人某事某物 很狂熱

1. If 引導的條件子句用現在式.
If the rain stops, ( then) I will go mountain climbing.

2. As soon as 用來連接主要子句與時間副詞子句
I will pick you up as soon as you arrive at the airport.

3. As long as用來連接主要子句與條件(副詞)子句
As long as we show our love to the animals, they will love us.

4. Shall 使用時機
4-1 將會 ( I )
4-2 Shall I ? Shall we? 徵詢對方意見
4-3 shall = shall 用於直述句 ( 應該, 可能會)

5 使役動詞 have/ make/ let
Have & make 偏向命令語氣, let 偏向允許

