2010年11月13日 星期六

test 5 使役動詞 & 連綴動詞


1. I'm going to have Mike ________ my computer to see what is wrong. look at to look at looked at

2. One of my wisdom teeth really hurt, so I went to the dentist ________. to have it remove to have it removed to have it to be removed
3. Are you going to ________ like this? let him to suffer allow him suffer let him suffer4. Jimmy is dead. The mafia boss ________. had killed had him killed had him to be killed5. Julie will not ________ the boy from across the street. let her daughter marry let her daughter to marry let her daughter married6. I had the ________ when I was renovating my apartment. wall to be knocked down wall knocked down wall knock down7. I ________ her and apologize. made him to call made him called made him call8. I have ________ many times. my heart broken had my heart broken had my heart broke9. The authorities ________ as soon as they found out she was there illegally. had her deported have her deport had her to be deported10. I ________ on my lower back. had tattoo done had a tattoo done had a tattoo to be done

連綴動詞 and action 動詞的考題

The sun feels warm on our faces.
5. Fresh coconuts taste creamy.
6. Even the cab drivers look happy.
"The spaghetti sauce tasted delicious."
"The flowers looked wilted."

Linking Verbs and Action Verbs
Identifying linking verb and action verbs.
The boy by the door looks tired. (What is the subject in this sentence?) (6.667 points)
The boy by the door looks tired. (What is the verb) (6.667 points)
The boy looks tired. (What is "tired" in this sentence- predicate adjective, predicate noun, direct object or indirect object.) (6.667 points)
He sounded very ill on the telephone. (What is the subject?) (6.667 points)
He sounded very ill on the telephone.(What is the verb?) (6.667 points)
He sounded very ill on the telephone. (What is "ill" in this sentence- predicate adjective, predicate noun, direct object, or indirect object) (6.667 points)
The soldier sounded the alarm at dawn. (What is the subject?) (6.667 points)
The soldier sounded the alarm at dawn. (What is "alarm" in this sentence- predicate adjective, predicate noun, direct object or indirect object?) (6.667 points)
The dog in the white sweater is Doodles. (What is "Doodles" in this sentence- predicate adjective, predicate noun, direct object or indirect object?) (6.667 points)
The lovely girl in the back is upset. (What is upset in this sentence- predicate adjective, predicate noun, direct object or indirect object. (6.667 points)
Molly is looking at the picture now. (What is the complete verb in this sentence?) (6.667 points)
Molly is looking at the picture now. (Is the verb in this sentence linking, transitive or intransitive?) (6.667 points)
Bill seems very nice? ( What is the verb in this sentence?) (6.667 points)
Bill seems very nice. (Is the verb in this sentence linking, transitive or intransitive?) (6.667 points)
Bill seems very nice. (What is "nice" in this sentence- predicate adjective, predicate noun, direct object, indirect object.) (6.667 points)

