2011年8月2日 星期二

給 Tina 的 考題

A& B 的對話, 請完成

A: Most of the teachers who work at my school are very unhappy.
B: What’s the reason ____ their unhappiness?
A: They are unhappy with working conditions.
B: Is there any solution ____ to this problem?
A: Well, they are making demands ___ better working conditions.
B: What are they asking ______ ?
A: They want a decrease ____ the hours they work.
B: That seems fair. Do they want anything else?
A: They also want a rise ____ pay.
B: Do you think they’ll get what they want?
A: If they don’t there may be some effect ____ the teaching at the school.
B: More people should be told about the teacher’s problems.
A: Well, there is going to be a news report about it _____ television tonight.
B: Are any of the teachers going to appear on the news ?
A: Yes, they are going to give an explanation ____ their feelings.
B: That’s good. There will probably be reports ____ the newspapers too,
then everyone will understand the problem.


1) 不同名詞之後需要不同的介系詞
an effect / an influence on
a reason / a need/ a demand for
an increase/ a decrease /a rise /a fall in
a key / an answer/ a solution/ a reaction to
an example/ an explanation/ a cause of
a book/ a painting by

2) 有的名詞習慣跟在特定介系詞之後
Go for a walk/ a run / a meal
On the television/ on the radio
In a magazine/ book/ newspaper
By accident/ by mistake
By bus/ car/ taxi/ train/ plane/ ship

1. I don’t agree ___ hitting children. I think it is wrong.
2. Everyone _____ the couple _____ their new baby.
3. No-one ____ Carol’s jokes. She is not very funny.
4. My father _____ the weather ____ his bad health.
5. Every night I dream ____ being rich and famous.
6. I don’t believe ____ luck, just hard work.
7. My paretns tried to stop me _____ becoming an actor.
8. The song reminds me ____ a holiday I had in Japan.
9. Don’t listen ____ him. He’s a liar.
10. Never borrow a lot of money _____ your friends.
11. I always laugh ___ funny films.


1. 不同的動詞之後需要不同的介系詞

Listen to
Apologize for
Believe in
Laugh at
Dream of/ about
Agree with

2. 有的動詞要先接受詞 再接介系詞
Borrow 某物 from 某人
Congratulate 某人 on 某事
Explain 某事 to 某人
Blame 某人 for 某事
Remind 某人 about 某事
Remind 某人 of 某事
Stop/ prevent 某事/某人 from V-ing

1. Your English will be much better than me if you never give up your English.
 ==> Your English will be much better than me if you never                  . 
2. There's trash everywhere. Let's pick up all the trash.
 ==> There's trash everywhere. Let's                  . 
3. It's 6:30 now. You can wake up the two children, or they'll be late for school.
 ==> It's 6:30 now. You can                  , or they'll be late for school.
4. It's cold today. Don't take off your jacket and sweater, or you will perhaps catch a cold.
 ==> It's cold today. Don't                  , or you will perhaps catch a cold.
5. Would you please put down the books in your hands and come to help me?
 ==> Would you please                   in your hands and come to help me?
想想看二:請將下列各句,翻譯成英文。[ 核對答案 ]
1. 請把水關掉。

2. 是誰把它們拿走的?

3. 最後,Martin 先生在公園的一棵樹下找到他兒子腳踏車。

4. 我需要桌燈,請幫我把它打開。(有兩句)

5. 她不懂這個字,所以要我用字典查一下。


動詞片語 Quiz

Find it out:找到 get it back:取回 ,give it up:放棄
look it up:查閱 ,pick it up:檢起來 ,put it down:放下
put it on:穿(戴)上 ,take it away:拿開;拿走
take it off:脫掉 , turn it on:開(開關),turn it off:關(開關)
wake him up:叫醒

1. Don’t forget to bring a coke     Sue.
2. You can get     the Internet and find useful information you need.
3. Thank you     your help. I can go on vacation tomorrow.
4. We should wait     them before we go home.
5. Parents usually care     their children.
6. The house belongs     that woman over there.
7. You have to fill the bottle     water, not oil.
8. Everyone dreams     traveling around the world.
9. Please call me when you arrive     Taichung.
10. Finally, he lent some money     the poor man.
11. The dog often barks     the children, so they are afraid of it.
12. After finishing the work, I'll take a plane and leave     America.
13. Mary can't play well so the boys laugh     her.
14. Get     the train quickly. It'll leave in ten minutes.
15. Would you please help me to look     my key? I can't remember where I put it.
16. Look     the picture carefully. Where are the two cats? Can you find them?
17. When the policeman arrived, he looked     the house everywhere first, and
then he asked Mr.Jason many questions.
18. I borrowed some books     the school library because I want to read them on
the weekend.
19. Have you prepared     the test tomorrow?
20. Father likes to take us     the mountains on holidays.
21. The only way to learn English well is not to give     easily.
22. Stop knocking     the table. This is a library. You should keep quiet.
23. I always look     my sister when my mom is not at home.
24. I like to listen     music when I'm free.
25. You can take     your coat. The weather is getting warmer.
26. I can't see clearly, so I have to put     my glasses.
27. Mon asks me to take an umbrella     me because it looks like rain.
28. It’s a good habit to turn ____ the lights before you go to bed.
29. Mary usually sends a card     her mother on Mother's Day.
30. The Chen family moved     Taoyuan last month.
31. Yesterday, when a dog tried to attack (攻擊) Ben, he picked     a stone and
threw at it.

例:a letter, my sister / I wrote…last week.
= I wrote my sister a letter last week. = I wrote a letter to my sister last week.
1. some money, Jessica / He lent…last month

2. a package, your parents / Please send…soon

3. the class, a joke / The teacher told…today.

