2010年11月5日 星期五


1. 下列兩種情形不能用 that

a) 介係詞之後

The house in which Mr. Huang lived is still new.

b), 之後

2. which, that , who 當子句的受詞時, 若前面沒有介係詞, which, that & who 可以省略

.分類:ENGLISH2007/11/11 10:30
.n有關「子句結構」的語法 n

1. Yesterday I saw the man ___________ . He was very nice to me too.【昨天我看到去年幫助你的那個人,他對我也很好。】
(A) who teach you geography (B) that helped you last year

(C) is giving a great speech (D) was a very successful businessman

【答案】: B

【說明】: (1) 此題空格內應填入一個形容詞子句,修飾先行詞man。
(2) 答案A的子句,其主詞who指的是先行詞man,因此視為第三人稱單

2. The house ______________ cost them a lot of money.【在1974年蓋的那棟房子花了他們好多錢。】
(A) was new and large (B) is very beautiful

(C) built in 1974 (D) gave you sweet memories

【答案】: C

【說明】: (1) 答案A,B和D的子句都沒有關係代名詞,而這三個子句的關係代名詞
(2) 參考第331題的說明(2)。

3. Where have you been? Please tell me.=【你到哪裡去了? 請告訴我。】
(A) Where have you been please tell me.

(B) Please tell where have you been.

(C) Please tell me where you have been.

(D) Please tell you have been where.

【答案】: C

【說明】: (1) where have you been是名詞子句當主要子句please tell me的tell之受
(2) 名詞子句裡的關係代名詞具有疑問詞作用時,要將原來的疑問句改成
「間接問句」 (疑問詞 + 主詞 + 動詞)。
(3) 名詞子句當受詞用時,通常沒有先行詞,因此關係詞常作關係代名詞或

4. The question was too difficult for the little boy to answer. 改為含有子句的句子:【要這位小男孩來回答這個問題是太困難了。】
(A) To answer the question, it was too difficult for the little boy.

(B) The question was so difficult that the little boy couldn't answer it.

(C) The little boy was difficult to answer the question.

(D) If the question was too difficult, the little boy couldn't answer it.

【答案】: B

【說明】: 答案A和C都不含有子句。答案D是假設語氣,與題目原句不符。

5. Flora was ___________ she fell asleep right after she went to bed.【芙羅拉如此地疲倦,以致她一上床就立刻睡著。】
(A) very tired when   (B) too tired since

(C) tired enough though (D) so tired that

【答案】: D

【說明】: (1) that she fell asleep right after she went to bed是副詞子句,修飾tired

(2) so…that…是「太…以致於…」的意思。

關係代名詞連接的子句叫關係子句 :

有形容詞的作用 放在所修飾的名詞之後

(例一) 彗星式: This is the book which I bought yesterday.

------關係子句which I bought yesterday.放在所修飾的名詞book 之後,像彗星後面拖曳的亮光

(例二) 漢堡式: The man who has white hair is my father.

-----關係子句who has white hair 放在所修飾的名詞man 之後,將主要子句劈成兩半


2.that 連接的子句叫名詞子句 that之前通常是形容詞或動詞

例一: I think that it will be rainny.(that可省略 that之前為動詞think)

例二:I"m afraid that it will rain. (that之前為形容詞afraid)

3.When/ if / because/ after / before ...連接的子句叫副詞子句

副詞子句 與主要子句可以互換

例一: I'll stay at home if it rains .= If it rains ,I'll stay at home.(副詞子句不可用於未來式 所以只能用現在式rains表達)

例二: I took a shower after I ate dinner.=Ater I ate dinner, I took a shower .

