基本上start 和begin 意義及用法相同. 兩者都可以接不定詞或動名詞:
They will start working on the project soon.
Let’s begin reading the book.
但start 比較強調啟始 ,啟動的概念; begin指比較自然, 順理成章的開始. 下列四句是start 和begin較合宜的用法. 但若把句中start 換成begin或begin換成start意義差別不大:
The play begins at eight o'clock.
I began to understand the whole thing.
Next week I'll start to learn English
He started to talk after a cup of coffee.
雖說在當代英語中, start 和begin 意義及用法有漸趨一致的傾向. 但下列各句中的start則決對不能用begin置換:
We will stay on the platform until the train starts. (開動)
John’s father started the company. (創始)
I could not start my car this morning. (發動)
Push the green button to start the machine. (啟動)
2011年10月29日 星期六
2011年10月7日 星期五
大坪頂 Louise & Vivian - Every day Idioms
Writer: CaseryMalarcher
Book name: Illustrated Every day Idioms with stories
Book name: Illustrated Every day Idioms with stories
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